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About Us

Teacher working with students.

In a time when technology and robots are on the rise and perform work more efficiently and at a cost savings, one of the greatest assets for humans is their mind and being able to think using the design thinking process.  Humans will also need to be skilled at working alongside robots and utilize technology. Our program is designed to create innovative thinkers by exposing students to the design thinking process and innovative learning experiences throughout their attendance at EICK while also meeting the state early learning standards. 

Research tells us that quality early childhood experiences provide a solid foundation for future success and has long-term academic and social benefits for children. Children who participate in high-quality programs during their early years demonstrate lasting effects on IQ, boosted academic and economic achievement, lower incidences of childhood obesity and chronic illness, and a heightened ability to deal with change.

Research is indicating that schools are currently graduating students without the skill sets or desire to enter careers of the future.  Most schools are not providing relevant exposure to the skills needed for the future early enough to impact student career decisions.  Students attending EICK will be gaining experiences in global literacy, design thinking, entrepreneurship, and STREAM (science, technology, research, engineering, arts, and mathematics processes) through a Reggio Emilia approach to help position them for future learning styles, ability to embrace change, and career readiness.  Through experiential learning, access to our digital fabrication/innovation lab, fine arts/innovation lab, and individualized diagnostics and learning modifications, our staff will be able to serve our students’ individual learning needs. 

Research is also starting to document that children who experience quality STREAM experiential learning, the ability to have choice in activities, and  those who master design thinking processes before 7 years of age are more likely to view STEM areas as serious possibilities of careers. Pilot programs have shown that preschool age students are capable of being creative, inventive, able to explore and develop important inquiry and conceptual design thinking skills. Check out Euclid City Schools Preschool STEM Lab pilot which has resulted in funding for a 700 student preschool and kindergarten facility.

Students can embrace design thinking process which includes acceptance of failure as part of the process.  These experiences also better prepare students for dealing with an ever-changing world.  

EICK is not a franchise, but a vision of a select group of experienced educators, engineers, school administrators, and business experts who hope to contribute to transforming early childhood learning.  We are experienced at developing and integrating the design process, STEM, and innovative learning.  We hope to create a STEM Ecosystem collaboration within the community to help parents/guardians, community businesses and clubs, staff, and students with access to an exploratory and design-based rich learning environment.  


Reggio Emelia Philosophy

"Only competent and highly qualified schools will be able to confront the challenges we face as a global society. Thanks to the intelligence and work of Loris Malaguzzi, the municipal infant-toddler centers and preschools of Reggio Emilia bear witness to a way of educating that defends and promotes the rights and potential of children, teachers, and parents and have become an important point of reference for educators and researchers all over the world."

Distinctive Traits

  • Collegial and relational-based provocative experiences

  • The importance accredited to environments and spaces

  • Intense co-participation of families

  • Affirmation of competencies in children and adults

  • Educational documentation

  • Listening

  • Progettazione (Planning)

We are members of NAREA.

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